CJCUC Mourns the Passing of Dr. Michael Wyschogrod

The Center for Jewish-Christian Understanding and Cooperation expresses its deep sorrow on the passing of Dr. Michael Wyschogrod z”l. Dr. Wyschogrod was one of the important Jewish theologians of the 20th century and an early ardent advocate of interfaith theological

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Orthodox Rabbinic Statement on Christianity

To Do the Will of Our Father in Heaven: Toward a Partnership between Jews and Christians After nearly two millennia of mutual hostility and alienation, we Orthodox Rabbis who lead communities, institutions and seminaries in Israel, the United States and

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Discovering Common Ground in Auschwitz

An Israeli delegation of Catholics and Jews this week went to Auschwitz-Birkenau to attend “The Suffering of the Innocents,” a special concert dedicated to the memory of the millions of lives lost during the Holocaust. Kiko Argüello and Carmen Hernandez,

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CJCUC Mourns the Passing of Rabbi Dr. Gerald Meister

Today, the world lost one of the premiere leaders in Jewish-Christian relations, Rabbi Dr. Gerald Meister. In the beginning of the month, Rabbi Meister spoke to both the Center for Jewish-Christian Understanding and Cooperation/World Jewish Congress/Latin American Jewish Congress Latin American

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Nurturing Relations with Christians in Israel

BY DR. FAYDRA L. SHAPIRO The Christmas season had newspapers in Israel trotting out the regular seasonal articles about Christians in Bethlehem, about how the Jewish state cares for its Christian minority by distributing free Christmas trees, about how Christians

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CJCUC Reaches Out to the Spanish Speaking Christian World

The Center for Jewish-Christian Understanding and Cooperation (CJCUC) is proud to announce the opening of its Latin-American division. The former Chief Rabbi of Chile, Dr. Angel Kreiman-Brill, will be heading the office. “Rabbi Kreiman-Brill brings over 5 decades of Jewish-Christian

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