Groundbreaking Orthodox Rabbinic Statement on Christianity
For the first time since the Second Vatican Council changed Christian teachings toward Judaism and the Jewish people 50 years ago, a group of Orthodox
For the first time since the Second Vatican Council changed Christian teachings toward Judaism and the Jewish people 50 years ago, a group of Orthodox
:לעשות רצון אבינו שבשמיים לקראת שותפות בין יהודים לנוצרים לאחר כמעט אלפיים שנות עוינות וניכור הדדיים, אנו החתומים מטה – רבנים אורתודוכסיים המנהיגים קהילות בהווה
To Do the Will of Our Father in Heaven: Toward a Partnership between Jews and Christians After nearly two millennia of mutual hostility and alienation,
Nach fast zwei Jahrtausenden der Feindseligkeit und Entfremdung erkennen wir, orthodoxe Rabbiner, Leiter von Gemeinden, Institutionen und Seminaren in Israel, den Vereinigten Staaten und Europa,
Toteuttaaksemme Taivaallisen Isämme tahtoa: Kohti juutalaisten ja kristittyjen kumppanuutta Lähes kahdentuhannen vuoden molemminpuolisen vihollisuuden ja vierauden jälkeen me ortodoksirabbiinit, jotka johdamme yhteisöjä, instituutioita ja seminaareja
In response to the severe budget cuts suffered by Christian schools in Israel, an international letter campaign has been circulating urging both the Prime Minister
BY DAVID NEKRUTMAN Since the beginning of the school year, the Catholic schools in Israel have been on strike. Their reason is very simple –
by: Prof. Gerald McDermott – Beeson Divinity School, Samford University We all hear about the supposed “God of Wrath” in the Hebrew Bible, and the
BY RABBI DR. EUGENE KORN Yet who is the fanatic if not the unreasonable person who ignores normal considerations and social constraints to pursue an
BY EUGENE KORN After he assassinated Israel’s Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in 1995, Yigal Amir admitted that “If not for religion, it would have been
For the first time since the Second Vatican Council changed Christian teachings toward Judaism and the Jewish people 50 years ago, a group of Orthodox rabbis have issued a public statement advocating partnership with Christians and appreciating the religious value
:לעשות רצון אבינו שבשמיים לקראת שותפות בין יהודים לנוצרים לאחר כמעט אלפיים שנות עוינות וניכור הדדיים, אנו החתומים מטה – רבנים אורתודוכסיים המנהיגים קהילות בהווה ובעבר, ישיבות ומוסדות בישראל, בארצות-הברית ובאירופה – מכירים בהזדמנות היסטורית הניצבת בפנינו. אנו מבקשים לעשות
To Do the Will of Our Father in Heaven: Toward a Partnership between Jews and Christians After nearly two millennia of mutual hostility and alienation, we Orthodox Rabbis who lead communities, institutions and seminaries in Israel, the United States and
Nach fast zwei Jahrtausenden der Feindseligkeit und Entfremdung erkennen wir, orthodoxe Rabbiner, Leiter von Gemeinden, Institutionen und Seminaren in Israel, den Vereinigten Staaten und Europa, die sich uns darbietende historische Gelegenheit: Wir möchten den Willen unseres Vaters im Himmel tun,
Toteuttaaksemme Taivaallisen Isämme tahtoa: Kohti juutalaisten ja kristittyjen kumppanuutta Lähes kahdentuhannen vuoden molemminpuolisen vihollisuuden ja vierauden jälkeen me ortodoksirabbiinit, jotka johdamme yhteisöjä, instituutioita ja seminaareja Israelissa, Yhdysvalloissa ja Euroopassa, tunnistamme nyt edessämme olevan historiallisen tilaisuuden. Tahdomme toteuttaa Taivaallisen Isämme tahdon
In response to the severe budget cuts suffered by Christian schools in Israel, an international letter campaign has been circulating urging both the Prime Minister Netanyahu and Minister of Education Naftali Bennett to find an amicable solution. Prior to 2008,
BY DAVID NEKRUTMAN Since the beginning of the school year, the Catholic schools in Israel have been on strike. Their reason is very simple – they are protesting the severe budget cuts that took place two years ago and continue
by: Prof. Gerald McDermott – Beeson Divinity School, Samford University We all hear about the supposed “God of Wrath” in the Hebrew Bible, and the supposed “God of Love” of the New Testament. Those who draw that distinction don’t know
BY RABBI DR. EUGENE KORN Yet who is the fanatic if not the unreasonable person who ignores normal considerations and social constraints to pursue an ideal without constraints? The religious fanatic is not necessarily one ensnared in logical fallacy and
BY EUGENE KORN After he assassinated Israel’s Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in 1995, Yigal Amir admitted that “If not for religion, it would have been very difficult for me to murder.” It continues right up until today. Last month a
For the first time since the Second Vatican Council changed Christian teachings toward Judaism and the Jewish people 50 years ago, a group of Orthodox
:לעשות רצון אבינו שבשמיים לקראת שותפות בין יהודים לנוצרים לאחר כמעט אלפיים שנות עוינות וניכור הדדיים, אנו החתומים מטה – רבנים אורתודוכסיים המנהיגים קהילות בהווה
To Do the Will of Our Father in Heaven: Toward a Partnership between Jews and Christians After nearly two millennia of mutual hostility and alienation,
Nach fast zwei Jahrtausenden der Feindseligkeit und Entfremdung erkennen wir, orthodoxe Rabbiner, Leiter von Gemeinden, Institutionen und Seminaren in Israel, den Vereinigten Staaten und Europa,
Toteuttaaksemme Taivaallisen Isämme tahtoa: Kohti juutalaisten ja kristittyjen kumppanuutta Lähes kahdentuhannen vuoden molemminpuolisen vihollisuuden ja vierauden jälkeen me ortodoksirabbiinit, jotka johdamme yhteisöjä, instituutioita ja seminaareja
In response to the severe budget cuts suffered by Christian schools in Israel, an international letter campaign has been circulating urging both the Prime Minister
BY DAVID NEKRUTMAN Since the beginning of the school year, the Catholic schools in Israel have been on strike. Their reason is very simple –
by: Prof. Gerald McDermott – Beeson Divinity School, Samford University We all hear about the supposed “God of Wrath” in the Hebrew Bible, and the
BY RABBI DR. EUGENE KORN Yet who is the fanatic if not the unreasonable person who ignores normal considerations and social constraints to pursue an
BY EUGENE KORN After he assassinated Israel’s Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in 1995, Yigal Amir admitted that “If not for religion, it would have been
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