Hebraic roots of Christianity

Prayer from the Heart

Hearing the harsh prophecy of Isaiah, Hezekiah turns his face toward the wall (kir in Hebrew) and prays to God. What wall? This symbolically alludes

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What is Remez?

Judaism has several ways to interpret the Bible that includes Remez; using the Hebrew letters in a verse to help explain its meaning. The Hebrew

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Forget About It

In Deuteronomy Chapter 15, Scripture introduces a radical economic mandate when the seventh year begins – the relinquishment of all debts. This is the matter

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CJCUC Mourns the Passing of Dr. Michael Wyschogrod

The Center for Jewish-Christian Understanding and Cooperation expresses its deep sorrow on the passing of Dr. Michael Wyschogrod z”l. Dr. Wyschogrod was one of the important Jewish theologians of the 20th century and an early ardent advocate of interfaith theological

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The Freedom to be a Holy People

By Rabbi Dr. Eugene Korn In synagogues this month, we read the glorious Jewish march from Egyptian slavery to freedom. When the Jewish people emerge triumphantly out of the Red Sea, they are finally emancipated from 210 years of cruel

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Prayer from the Heart

Hearing the harsh prophecy of Isaiah, Hezekiah turns his face toward the wall (kir in Hebrew) and prays to God. What wall? This symbolically alludes to praying from the heart as it states in Jeremiah 4:19: My anguish my anguish

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What is Remez?

Judaism has several ways to interpret the Bible that includes Remez; using the Hebrew letters in a verse to help explain its meaning. The Hebrew alphabet has 22 characters. Within the Remez system, numerical values of the Hebrew letters also

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CJCUC Reaches Out to the Spanish Speaking Christian World

The Center for Jewish-Christian Understanding and Cooperation (CJCUC) is proud to announce the opening of its Latin-American division. The former Chief Rabbi of Chile, Dr. Angel Kreiman-Brill, will be heading the office. “Rabbi Kreiman-Brill brings over 5 decades of Jewish-Christian

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Riskin: CUFI Convention is a Historic Revolution

In an interview with Israel Hayom, a major daily publication in the Holy Land, Rabbi Riskin considered Christians United for Israel Washington Summit in July as a religious and historic revolution in Christianity’s support for the Jewish people. “They are friends.

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A Kaddish for Dwight Pryor

Note: It has been 18 months since Dr. Dwight Pryor’s passing. Today, there is no special calendar date as to why I am specifically posting this article from March of 2011, which appeared in the Jerusalem Post Christian Edition. In

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Forget About It

In Deuteronomy Chapter 15, Scripture introduces a radical economic mandate when the seventh year begins – the relinquishment of all debts. This is the matter of the release: Every creditor shall release his hold over what he would claim (Ya-sheh:

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Tag: Hebraic roots of Christianity

Prayer from the Heart

Hearing the harsh prophecy of Isaiah, Hezekiah turns his face toward the wall (kir in Hebrew) and prays to God. What wall? This symbolically alludes

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What is Remez?

Judaism has several ways to interpret the Bible that includes Remez; using the Hebrew letters in a verse to help explain its meaning. The Hebrew

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A Kaddish for Dwight Pryor

Note: It has been 18 months since Dr. Dwight Pryor’s passing. Today, there is no special calendar date as to why I am specifically posting

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Forget About It

In Deuteronomy Chapter 15, Scripture introduces a radical economic mandate when the seventh year begins – the relinquishment of all debts. This is the matter

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