Bible Study

Walls of Water

When the bible first mentions the splitting of the Red Sea, it states: the waters were a wall to them on their right and on

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The Hebrew month of Elul

In the Hebraic calendar, we began the month of Elul – אלול, a time for personal and communal introspection to prepare for the upcoming holidays

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Walls of Water

When the bible first mentions the splitting of the Red Sea, it states: the waters were a wall to them on their right and on their left (Exodus 14:22 & 29). The “walls of water” are confirmed in Psalm 78.

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Shema – A Central Tenet

Six words found in Deuteronomy (6:4) ¬ shema yisrael, adonai elohaynu adonai ehad (Hear O Israel! The LORD our God, the LORD is one!) have become the central credo of Judaism. The Shema is the first prayer a child commits

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Jacob, the man of the tent

Jacob was left alone, and a man (ish) wrestled with him until the rise of dawn (Genesis 32:25). Who was this unknown assailant Jacob was struggling with? Many commentators identify him as angel. An alternative approach to the identity of

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The origin of the name “Adam”

Common translation of the name God gave to the first person is Adam. In Biblical Hebrew, the name of man is Adom (אדם) meaning earth. The term is also an acronym of the words dust (אפר), blood (דם) and bile

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The Hebrew month of Elul

In the Hebraic calendar, we began the month of Elul – אלול, a time for personal and communal introspection to prepare for the upcoming holidays of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. The four Hebrew letters of Elul are an acronym

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Category: Bible Study

Walls of Water

When the bible first mentions the splitting of the Red Sea, it states: the waters were a wall to them on their right and on

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Shema – A Central Tenet

Six words found in Deuteronomy (6:4) ¬ shema yisrael, adonai elohaynu adonai ehad (Hear O Israel! The LORD our God, the LORD is one!) have

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The Hebrew month of Elul

In the Hebraic calendar, we began the month of Elul – אלול, a time for personal and communal introspection to prepare for the upcoming holidays

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